Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Putting a toe in the water

I've never blogged before so this is my proverbial introduction to it; I'm putting my toes in it now and I suppose the more I blog the deeper I'll venture. If this turns out to be something that I truly enjoy then I don't really care if the swimsuit looks awful! I have now reached a point in my life where I don't care if I go to WalMart without makeup on. I have a pretty good handle on who I am and when I forget I always have God right there to help me get back in line, whereever the line happens to be at that particular time.

I love odd things...I don't want something if everyone else has it--no Home Interiors here. I love things created to be one of a kind just like people have been. One of my greatest blessings is to have close friends who are not like me at all but yet love me for just being me. They are domestic divas and I'm a domestic ignorer I guess. But I have the most interesting house I think. You can definitely come in and take your shoes off and feel comfortable.

Last one in is a rotten egg.

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